Learn Foreign Languages at Carousel of Languages! | What’s happening in Providence

Learn Foreign Languages at Carousel of Languages!

Available for the first time nationally, online, Carousel of Languages teaches 11 languages to children from 3 months to seven years old, through live, interactive lessons with no more than five children per class. Formerly available only on-site at the company’s Madison Avenue flagship in New York City, the exclusive program uses a proprietary curriculum and custom-designed materials to help children learn the language of their heritage or prepare them to be citizens of the world. 

Carousel of Languages will offer a 15% discount for a full year registration and their exclusive Carousel Gift Package to parents devoted to their child’s education in their foreign language study.  Carousel lavishes families/students with so much because they are committed to a long term engagement.

To register, please visit https://carousellanguages.com/registration-portal.

Appropriate ages: 
Early Elementary School
Virtual resource
Class Main Type: 
Resource Type: 
Learning resource (class, curriculum, online tutoring, lecture series, etc.)
Class Subject(s): 
Academic - General
There is a cost for this resource: 