Myth & Muse Retreat - for Adults | What’s happening in Providence

Myth & Muse Retreat - for Adults

*The event has already taken place on this date: Fri, 07/15/2022
Myth & Muse Retreat - for adults. Five-day immersive, overnight arts-based mythic retreat in the beautiful Western Massachusetts mountains. Small and inclusive. Only participants.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
Five-day immersive, overnight retreat in the beautiful Western Massachusetts mountains


Join us in an immersive magical world. Much of the same content that we do with our kids camps, but this one is for adults. We will be in costume and in character the whole time. 

Remember that magical acceptance letter you waited for but never got? Now is the time...
Join us in an immersive magical world. Grown-ups deserve time for fun and imagination! Come join us in The Rainbow Path, written by Headmistress Iris Imaginoria.

LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse friendly. All are welcome at our magical school!

Our Monday-Friday session will begin with a very different method of sorting participants into four our unique houses, Phoenixfire, Stonedragon, Windhorse, & Waverider. 

We will meet in common rooms for teamwork games and activities to explore the qualities of peace, hope, strength, and love, serve magical snacks to the community, and complete a service project... because we teach that the real magic in life is helping others. Together they earn house points to try to win the house cup, but learning kindness and cooperation is more important than competition. We will also learn the magic portal spells to travel to the Wood Between the Worlds -- a place with four unique areas --

  • A Drum Circle for music in the south,
  • Kiki's Boutique, a costume shop in the west,
  • The Neverending Library in the North,
  • and Milo's Armory in the East,​

Throughout the retreat participants will have classes and free time in the Wood Between the Worlds.  Time to 

Recharge, Renew, Reconnect... Find the magic in your imagination.

Classes at the Myth & Muse Retreat will be designed with the intention of inspiring participants to find their Muses and deepen their authentic magical connections.

PRISM, teaches protection from the -ISMS with


History of Magic  and Charms are about creating and developing your own original characters and writing in this unique magical world.

Magical Creatures combines movement with animal studies for an energetic class.

Herbology allows us to study magical plants.

Incantations is a music class, where participants learn original camp songs.

In Metamorphmagic Makeup participants learn to use simple, inexpensive makeup and costume techniques to create mythic characters.

Costume Challenges & Theme Days! Since this is an overnight camp, we will send a list of challenges to participants in advance. 

​And there's so much more still in development...

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


58 King St
Warwick, RI, 02886
United States


Contact name: 
Jessica Gray
The event has already taken place on this date: 
9:00 am Monday